Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stijn Celis

hello Yves-Noel, I thought your performance was very inspiring and that you have the incredible capacity of constructing and destroying in the same second. You were like a dictaror, Caligula or Bokassa or Adolphchen or even Ludwig on exit of morfine. Don't know, nothing seemed important but all elements in your piece are vital and identifiable but yet secret aswell. I fell terribly in love with your voice and the way you speak words. You made us all feel inconfortable but seduced.
Ici en Suisse, things are calm, I am in the countryside preparing my comming projects of which none will be in Switserland. I'll be in Canada, US, Sweden and the Holland. Keep me informed, and if you have any intention of using a middleaged balletdancer and if you are looking for a Bruce Willis inpersonator with the voice of Elvis (I do black woman very well too), don't forget to contact me. Big kiss and good luck for the comming months, Stijn



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